
Instructor : Rubik Yeriazarian

Increase your team's spreadsheet efficiency with Part 1 of our Excel 101 for Accountants training series.  The training comes with sample Excel files that you can use to follow along during the session as you learn about keyboard shortcuts and commonly used Excel functions.
Field(s) of Study: Computer Software & Applications
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    Learning Objectives

    • Gain more useful insight after applying best practices to working with financial data and reports in Excel
    • Increase productivity by employing Excel keyboard shortcuts commonly used when working with financial data
    • More quickly identify sample selections and recognize data anomalies with filters and sorting functions
    • Become more proficient with data formatting basics





    Advanced Preparation

    Download the sample workbook that accompanies the training and save it to your desktop (from the materials menu item at the top of the page).  Materials will be available after learner enrolls in the course.

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Increase your team's spreadsheet efficiency with our Excel training session that covers common Excel formulas used by accountants to normalize client data.  The training comes with a sample Excel workbook containing financial data so attendees can follow along throughout the session.
Field(s) of Study: Computer Software & Applications
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Increase your team's spreadsheet efficiency with our Excel training session that covers how to summarize data with common Excel formulas and pivot tables.  The training comes with a sample Excel workbook containing financial data so attendees can follow along throughout the session.
Field(s) of Study: Computer Software & Applications
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If your team still uses VLOOKUP or INDEX(MATCH), then you need to attend this training.  Increase your team's spreadsheet efficiency with our Excel training session that covers how to use the XLOOKUP formula.  The training comes with a sample Excel workbook containing financial data so attendees can follow along throughout the session.
Field(s) of Study: Computer Software & Applications
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    Learning Objectives

    • Apply the more powerful XLOOKUP to your clients' data to gain even more insights than you can with VLOOKUP
    • Avoid common errors that can occur when utilizing these formulas




    Experience with basic Excel formulas.  It is not required, but highly recommended that the learner enroll in parts 1 and 2 prior to enrolling in parts 3 and 4.

    Advanced Preparation

    Download the sample workbook files that accompany the training and save them to your desktop (from the materials menu item at the top of the page).  Materials will be available after learner enrolls in the course.

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